Linux Manjaro

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Linux Manjaro is an intuitive, user-friendly Linux-based operating system that is based on and provides access to the Arch Linux repositories. It was initially released on July 10, 2011, for personal computers and laptops. Manjaro was first developed as a fork of Arch Linux, a popular open source distribution designed for experienced users. Manjaro was designed to make the installation process and usage of the Arch Linux easier by providing several tools and applications that are specifically tailored for the beginner user. After its initial release, the project gained popularity among Linux users and was eventually adopted as one of the official distributions of the Linux operating system. Since its inception, Manjaro has continued to evolve and expand its feature set. With each major update, the developers have included new features, applications, and improved usability. Today, Manjaro is used by millions of people around the world, making it one of the most popular Linux distributions available.


Linux Manjaro is a Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. It is designed to provide users with an easy-to-use, open source platform that makes it simple to install and use the most popular applications. It can be used in both commercial and personal projects. Manjaro is available in a number of different options, including a live CD, an installation image and dual-boot images.


Linux Manjaro was created in April 2011 by a group of developers who wanted to create a user-friendly, open source Linux system. Since then, the project has grown exponentially in popularity and is now one of the most popular Linux distributions. It has been used to power many commercial projects, and it is well-supported by many developers and organizations. The developers have continued to improve the system and make it easier for users to install and use.


Linux Manjaro comes with a number of features that make it attractive to users. It includes a graphical installer, which allows users to choose their preferred language and desktop environment. It also comes with a lot of powerful tools and utilities that make it easy to manage the system. These include package managers, network tools, disk management tools, a printer setup tool, and more. Manjaro also comes with a large selection of free and open source software, such as web browsers, office suites, multimedia players and games. This allows users to customize their system to their own preferences. Additionally, Manjaro is compatible with many hardware devices and comes with a wide range of drivers, allowing it to work with almost any type of hardware. Finally, Manjaro is built on a rolling release model, which means that updates are regularly released without requiring a full system re-installation. This makes it easy for users to stay up-to-date with the latest features and security patches.


Installation of Linux Manjaro is relatively straightforward. The first step is to download the appropriate installation image from the Manjaro website. Once the download is complete, the user must burn the image to a DVD or USB drive. Then, the user must boot the system from the drive and follow the steps in the graphical installer.

The installer will guide the user through the process of setting up their system, including selecting the desired language and desktop environmnet. Then, the user must configure their network settings, select the desired packages to install and reboot the system.


Once the installation is complete, users can begin to use Linux Manjaro. To access the desktop environment and the installed packages, users can simply click on the icons on the taskbar. From here, they can launch the software they need and begin using the system.

For more advanced tasks, users can access the command line terminal by clicking on the Terminal icon. From here, they can enter commands to manage the system, install additional packages, and more.

Example Usages

Linux Manjaro can be used for a wide range of tasks, from basic home computing to business-level applications. For example, it can be used as a web server, providing web hosting services to clients. It can be used as a file server, providing remote storage to users. Additionally, it can be used as a gaming platform, running popular games like Minecraft and Counter-Strike.


The following code shows how to install a package using the Pacman package manager on Linux Manjaro.

sudo pacman -S mypackage

The following code shows how to list all installed packages on Linux Manjaro.

pacman -Q

The following code shows how to upgrade all installed packages on Linux Manjaro.

sudo pacman -Syu

Update packages

sudo pacman -Syy

This command updates the list of available packages and their versions.

Install a package

sudo pacman -S <package_name>

This command installs a package with the specified name.

Remove a package

sudo pacman -R <package_name>

This command removes a package with the specified name.

Search for a package

pacman -Ss <search_term>

This command searches for a package with a name containing the specified search term.

Installing Software

In Linux Manjaro, the pacman package manager is used to install software. To install a package, you can use the pacman command with the -S option, followed by the name of the package you want to install.

For example, if you wanted to install LibreOffice, you would use the following command:

sudo pacman -S libreoffice

Managing Services

Linux Manjaro includes the systemd service manager which is used to manage services. To view a list of all services, you can use the systemctl command with the list-units option.

For example, to view a list of all services, you can use the following command:

systemctl list-units

Updating Software

Software packages in Linux Manjaro can be kept up to date using the pacman package manager. To update the system, you can use the pacman command with the -Syu option.

For example, to update the system, you can use the following command:

sudo pacman -Syu

Using Containers

Linux Manjaro supports both the Docker and Flatpak container solutions. To install and manage applications in containers, you can use the podman command line tool.

For example, to run a Docker container, you can use the following command with the run option:

podman run <image_name>

Creating User Accounts

User accounts in Linux Manjaro can be created and managed using the useradd command. For example, if you wanted to create a new user account, you would use the following command:

sudo useradd <username>

The following code example shows how to install the Manjaro distribution on your computer:

# 1. Download the Manjaro ISO 

# 2. Write the ISO to a USB stick or DVD 
dd if=manjaro-*.iso of=/dev/sdx

# 3. Boot from the USB or DVD 
boot from: x:

# 4. Select the Manjaro installation option
# 5. Follow the on-screen instructions 
# 6. Reboot your computer after installation

Once Manjaro is installed, you can use the Pacman package manager to install any applications or packages available for Manjaro. For example, if you wanted to install the Firefox web browser, you would type the following command into the terminal:

sudo pacman -S firefox


Linux Manjaro is a powerful open source OS with a flexible rolling release system and a wide range of available applications and packages. It is ideal for both new and experienced users, as it provides a simple and straightforward installation process. Manjaro is also a great alternative to Windows and macOS, as it is free and open source.

June 10, 2023 by