Linux Fedora

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Linux Fedora is a popular operating system and a Linux distribution created by the nonprofit organization Fedora Project. It is based on the Linux kernel and developed by the community-supported Fedora Project, sponsored by Red Hat. It was originally created in 2003 as a project for developing an open source operating system that would be easy to use and customizable for different user needs. Linux Fedora is a Linux based open source operating system developed by the Fedora Project, sponsored by Red Hat. Fedora is used on a wide range of systems and is considered one of the most popular Linux distributions. It provides powerful tools to help users create, manage and deploy applications with ease. Fedora is often considered one of the more "bleeding edge" distros, as new technologies are quickly incorporated into the main releases.

What is Linux Fedora?

Linux Fedora is a Linux-based operating system developed by the Fedora Project as a free, open source alternative to other popular operating systems. The Fedora Project is an open source community-driven project sponsored by Red Hat, a leading Linux and open source software provider since 1993.

Fedora is developed by a large and ever-growing community of contributors, with numerous opportunities for users to get involved. It provides extensive support for a huge range of hardware, applications and user configurations, including server, desktop and laptop systems. It also offers up-to-date packages from its large repository that provide users with the means to install and use nearly any application they want.

Linux Fedora is a popular open source operating system (OS) developed and maintained by the Fedora Project. It is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It’s used by computer users around the world to power their desktops, laptops, and servers. Fedora provides a stable, reliable, and secure platform for software development, web development, and system administration.

History of Linux Fedora

The first version of Fedora was released on November 6th, 2003, as a combination of two existing projects, Fedora Core and Red Hat Linux. It was intended to be a short-term project that would develop and maintain a targeted set of core packages for the growing Red Hat Linux user base.

Over time, the project has evolved beyond its initial ambitions, becoming a full-featured operating system with support for a wide variety of applications and hardware. Now, Fedora serves as a platform for the development of new technologies, such as Wayland and Systemd, as well as a platform for innovation in software packages, like GNOME, KDE, XFCE, and more.

In 2011, Fedora became the basis for the OLPC initiative, providing a secure and reliable operating system to power low-cost laptops for developing countries. Thanks to this initiative, Fedora has played an important role in making technology more accessible worldwide.

The Fedora Project was launched in 2003 as a joint venture between Red Hat and the open source development community. The goal of the project was to create a Linux-based operating system that was stable, reliable, and easy to use. The first version of Fedora was released in November of that same year, and since then it has grown in popularity and become one of the most widely-used Linux distributions.

The Fedora project has been maintained by Red Hat since its inception and the company has contributed heavily to its development and upkeep over the years. However, the project is also backed by a large community of users and contributors, who help to keep the project going and provide valuable feedback and new features.

The success of the project led to the creation of a series of releases, each based on a different version of the Linux kernel. This allowed developers to take advantage of newer technologies while still maintaining compatibility with older systems. Each version of Fedora also included a selection of programs and libraries designed to make it easier for users to get up and running quickly.

One of the distinguishing features of Fedora is its focus on providing the latest technology. With each new release, the project provides new tools, applications, and packages for users. This makes Fedora an ideal choice for those looking to experiment with the latest technologies or to develop their own applications.

Features of Linux Fedora

Fedora is highly flexible and customizable, offering users a wide range of features and options. Some of the main features it offers for Linux users include:

  • Easy installation: Fedora provides an easy-to-use installation process for users who are new to the Linux environment.

  • Security: Fedora includes industry-leading security features, making it a trusted choice for organizations and businesses.

  • Extensive support: Fedora provides an extensive list of package repositories, including those for popular applications and software libraries.

  • Stable and reliable: Fedora is designed to provide users with a stable and reliable computing experience.

Fedora includes a wide variety of features that make it a powerful and attractive operating system. These include:

  • A secure boot system, which prevents malicious software from loading during the boot process.
  • A graphical package manager, which allows users to easily install and uninstall applications.
  • Support for a variety of languages, including C, C++, Java, Python, and Perl.
  • A built-in firewall and antivirus protection.
  • A wide selection of pre-installed applications and libraries, such as the GNOME desktop environment and LibreOffice.
  • Access to a large repository of available packages.
  • Full support for virtualization and containerization technologies, such as Docker and Kubernetes.
  • System updates that are tested and verified to ensure stability and security.

Fedora offers a wide range of features for users and developers alike. The system includes support for many programming languages, a package manager, a graphical user interface system, and the ability to boot into multiple environments. Additionally, Fedora offers a wide range of tools designed to improve users’ productivity including an integrated web browser and media player.

Users of Fedora also benefit from a robust security system which includes access control, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and SELinux.

Fedora also includes a variety of libraries and frameworks such as the GNOME desktop environment, X Window System, and Java libraries. These libraries provide users and developers with the ability to build powerful applications that can utilize the Linux kernel.

Usages of Linux Fedora

Fedora is widely used for a variety of purposes, from running web servers to powering desktop environments. Some of the most common uses for Fedora include:

  • Web Servers: Fedora’s Apache, Nginx, and node.js packages make it an ideal choice for hosting websites and web applications.

  • Software Development: Fedora’s extensive package repositories make it a great choice for software developers looking for the latest versions of programming languages, development libraries, and tools.

  • Desktop Environments: Fedora’s GNOME, KDE, XFCE, and LXDE desktops make it an excellent choice for users who need a user-friendly, easy-to-use desktop environment.

  • Gaming: Fedora supports a wide range of gaming applications and libraries, making it an excellent choice for gamers who want access to the latest games.

Fedora is a great choice for those who want a Linux-based operating system that is secure, reliable, and user-friendly. It’s suitable for both desktop and server use, and can be used for a variety of tasks, from web development to software development. Here are some usage examples of Fedora:

  • Setting up a home server. With full support for virtualization and containerization technologies, Fedora is ideal for setting up a home server and hosting services such as websites, applications, and databases.

  • Developing applications. With the large selection of programming languages, libraries, and tools included in Fedora, it’s easy to start developing your own applications.

  • Creating a home media center. With the built-in media player and support for streaming audio and video, Fedora is a great choice for creating a home media center.

  • Setting up a gaming machine. With its powerful graphics drivers, as well as support for both Windows and Linux games, Fedora is a great choice for gamers.

Examples of Linux Fedora

The following examples show some of the ways that Fedora can be used:

  • Web servers: Fedora makes it easy to set up web servers and other applications through its included Apache web server and MySQL database.
  • Networking: Fedora provides a variety of tools to configure, monitor, and manage networks. This allows users to use their own services, such as SSH, or VPNs to securely connect to remote machines.
  • Software development: With the included C/C++ compiler and development tools, Fedora makes it easy to develop applications and programs, including games.
  • Embedded devices: Fedora can be used to create embedded devices and appliances by using different libraries and architectures. This makes it possible to create custom devices such as routers, set-top boxes, and more.

Installing Apache on Linux Fedora

You will need root privileges to install Apache on Fedora.

  1. Update your system using the dnf command:
dnf update
  1. Install Apache:
dnf install httpd
  1. Start the Apache service:
systemctl start httpd
  1. Enable the Apache service to start on boot:
systemctl enable httpd

Running a Python Web App on Linux Fedora

To run a Python web application on Fedora, you will need to install the necessary packages and libraries.

  1. Install the Python development libraries:
dnf install python-devel
  1. Install the mod_wsgi module:
dnf install mod_wsgi
  1. Create a virtual environment for the application:
virtualenv venv
  1. Install the web application into the virtual environment:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Configure Apache to serve the application:
WSGIScriptAlias /app /path/to/app.wsgi
<Directory /path/to/app.wsgi>
     Require all granted
  1. Restart Apache to apply the new configuration:
systemctl restart httpd
  1. Access the application at http://localhost/app.

Setting up a web server

# Install Apache
sudo dnf install httpd

# Enable and start Apache
sudo systemctl enable --now httpd

# Install PHP
sudo dnf install php

# Restart Apache
sudo systemctl restart httpd

Configuring a network

# Install the network manager
sudo dnf install NetworkManager

# Start the network manager
sudo systemctl start NetworkManager

# Set the hostname
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname myhostname

# Add a static IP
sudo nmcli connection add type ethernet con-name my-connection ifname eth0 ipv4.addresses ipv4.gateway ipv4.dns

# Activate the connection
sudo nmcli connection up my-connection

Setting Up a Dev Environment

# Install development tools
sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools"

# Install a text editor
sudo dnf install vim

# Install the Java JDK
sudo dnf install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel

# Install the C/C++ Compiler
sudo dnf install gcc-c++

Below is a simple “Hello World” example written in C language which can be used to test if the Linux Fedora environment is set up correctly:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
   printf("Hello, World!");
   return 0;

To compile this code, type the following command at the shell prompt:

gcc hello.c -o hello

This will produce an executable file called hello. To run it, type the following command at the shell prompt:


If everything is setup correctly, you should see the following output:

Hello, World!


Linux Fedora is a popular open source operating system developed and maintained by the Fedora Project. It is based on Red Hat Linux and provides a secure and reliable platform for software development, web development, and system administration. With its wide range of available applications, ease of customization, and secure platform, it is a great choice for both experienced and novice users.

January 1, 2023 by