Microsoft SQL Server release cycle

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Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is one of the most widely-used and trusted databases on the market. The MS SQL Server release cycle is the standard process and schedule that Microsoft follows when issuing new versions of the software. This guide will provide an overview of the release cycle and explain how to navigate it.

Microsoft SQL Server Release Cycle

What is the Microsoft SQL Server Release Cycle?

The Microsoft SQL Server Release Cycle is the sequence and timeline of events that Microsoft follows when deploying updates, new features, and fixes for the MS SQL Server software. This release cycle outlines the phases of each release, the expected delivery times, any special considerations to take into account before pushing the updates out, and other considerations.

The release cycle typically includes three stages, from start to finish:

  • Planning: During this phase, Microsoft first meets with customers to discuss their needs and plans for an upcoming release. The company then works on outlining a plan for what features, fixes, and changes will be included in the version update.

  • Development: Once the plan has been established, coding and testing of those features or changes is done. This is done to make sure everything works properly, is stable, and able to integrate smoothly with any existing systems.

  • Release: At the end of this phase, the new version is released to customers. This can be done through various channels, including an online portal, CD/DVD media, or some other method.


Microsoft SQL Server was first released in 1989. Since then, the software has been regularly updated and improved upon. Microsoft usually follows a regular release schedule, issuing new versions every two to three years. Early expressions of SQL Server were fairly basic, but they have grown exponentially in complexity ever since.

In 2005, Microsoft changed the way it handled its release cycle. Instead of following a predictable schedule, the company began releasing new versions on an as-needed basis. This helped them to quickly address customer issues as they arose, rather than waiting for set release dates.


Microsoft SQL Server is used by businesses of all sizes across the world. It is often found in applications such as data warehousing, e-commerce, and web services. The software is also used in many types of industries, including finance, healthcare, and education.

The software has various advantages over other relational database management systems, such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. Some of these advantages include scalability, reliability, and compatibility with other technologies. It is well-known for its security features, making it a popular choice for mission-critical applications.

Code Examples

Below are some examples of code snippets from Microsoft SQL Server:

Creating a Table

    JobTitle VARCHAR
    Salary INT NOT NULL

Inserting Data into a Table

INSERT INTO [Employee] (EmpID, Name, JobTitle, Salary)
VALUES (1, 'John Smith', 'Manager', 60000);

Updating a Record

UPDATE [Employee]
SET Salary = 70000
WHERE EmpID = 1;

Deleting a Record

FROM [Employee]
WHERE EmpID = 1;


The Microsoft SQL Server Release Cycle is an important part of the development process. It outlines the various stages and timelines of every release, helping to keep things organized and on track. Understanding the whole process can help businesses stay up-to-date with the latest versions of the software and ensure that their applications are running smoothly and securely.

July 1, 2022 by