Apache Solr release cycle

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Apache Solr is an open source search platform written in Java. Developed by the Apache Software Foundation and Lucene subproject, Apache Solr is widely used for enterprise search and data indexing. It's powerful features include distributed indexing, replication, and load-balanced querying, as well as full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search and analytics, relevancy tuning, rich document handling, NoSQL features, and search result clustering.

Introduction to Apache Solr Release Cycle

The Apache Solr release cycle is the governing process for releasing new versions of Solr. It’s intended to ensure that each version of Solr provides a stable, well tested, feature-rich, and secure release. This article will provide an overview of the Apache Solr release cycle and explain how it works.

What is the Apache Solr Release Cycle?

The Apache Solr release cycle is a set of predetermined steps included in each version of Apache Solr. Depending on the complexity of the version under development, the release cycle itself may take several months to complete. The following sections will describe the different stages of the release cycle and the processes involved in each.

Stages of the Release Cycle

The Apache Solr release cycle is broken down into four stages:

  1. Alpha
  2. Beta
  3. Release Candidate
  4. GA (General Availability)


During the Alpha stage, developers work together to design and develop the features of the new version of Solr. Features are tested in the alpha stage and feedback is provided to the developers by users and testers.

When the alpha stage is complete, the Solr codebase is tagged with a version number and the source code is made available to the public. This version of the software is known as an alpha release.


During the Beta stage, new features are tested by developers and testers, and bug fixes, performance improvements, and other changes are implemented.

Similar to the Alpha stage, when the Beta stage is complete, the Solr codebase is tagged with a new version number and the source code is made available to the public. This version of the software is known as a beta release.

Release Candidate

During the Release Candidate stage, bug fixes, performance improvements, and other changes are tested and addressed. Once all of the issues have been resolved, a Release Candidate (RC) version is created.

This version of the software is known as a Release Candidate and goes through an intensive testing and certification phase before being released. Several RCs of a software can be released before moving to the next stage.

General Availability (GA)

The General Availability (GA) stage marks the end of the release cycle. A GA version is a fully tested and certified version of the software that is suitable for production environments.

Once the GA version is released, the software is considered stable and ready for use. The GA version of the software is available for download from the Apache Solr website.


The Apache Solr release cycle is an important part of the process for releasing new versions of Solr. Each stage of the release cycle is designed to ensure that the software is stable, well tested, feature-rich, and secure.

By understanding the different stages of the release cycle, developers and testers can gain a better understanding of the processes involved in releasing a new version of Solr. This knowledge can help ensure that the software is released in a timely manner, and with the highest quality possible.

June 1, 2022 by blog.released.info