Elastic release cycle

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Elasticsearch is a popular open-source search engine and the release cycle is an integral part of the software’s development. This is a guide for developers, users and administrators who need to know about the release process and best practices.

Introduction to the Elasticsearch Release Cycle

The Elasticsearch release cycle is a process by which new versions of Elasticsearch are released. This process occurs on a rolling basis and is based around major, minor and patch releases. A major release is one where there are significant changes in the way the software works and the way it interacts with other services. Minor releases are typically bug fixes and new features while patch releases focus on bug fixes and stability improvements.

The release cycle is an important part of keeping Elasticsearch up-to-date and ensuring compatibility with other services. It also serves as a way to provide users with a better experience when using the software. The cycle helps ensure that users are always able to access the latest version of the software and that any potential issues are addressed as quickly as possible.

History of the Release Cycle

The release cycle has been around since the early days of Elasticsearch. The original version of the release cycle was quite basic and focused mainly on providing bug fixes and stability improvements. Over time, more focus was put on the feature side of releases and new major and minor versions were released more frequently.

Today, the release cycle is much more sophisticated and provides an effective way for developers, users and administrators to stay up-to-date with the latest changes in Elasticsearch. The cycle is also used to ensure that applications built on top of Elasticsearch are able to run smoothly and are fully compatible with the latest version of Elasticsearch.

Examples of Uses for the Release Cycle

The release cycle is used for a variety of purposes:

  • Application developers use the release cycle to keep their applications up-to-date and compatible with the latest version of Elasticsearch.
  • Database administrators can use the release cycle to ensure that their database is always running the latest version of Elasticsearch.
  • System administrators can use the release cycle to provide a smooth transition when upgrading versions of Elasticsearch.
  • Users can use the release cycle to check if they are running the latest version of Elasticsearch and make sure they are getting the most out of the software.

How to Use the Release Cycle

Using the release cycle is relatively simple. Each time a new version of Elasticsearch is released, you should check if it is the latest version and if it is compatible with your application or system. You can use the in-built release notes to find out about any major changes in the new version and decide if it is worth upgrading.

For developers, it is important to ensure that your application is compatible with the latest version of Elasticsearch. This can be done by testing your application against the latest version in a staging environment before deploying it in a production environment.

Code Examples

To demonstrate how to use the release cycle, we will look at a few sample code snippets.

Checking the Latest Version

The following code snippet shows how to check the latest version of Elasticsearch:

GET _cluster/version

This request will return the currently installed version number of Elasticsearch. You can then compare this version number with the latest officially released version on the Elastic website to see if your version is up-to-date.

Upgrading Version

The following code snippet shows how to upgrade your version of Elasticsearch:

curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_cluster/settings -d '{"transient" : {"cluster.routing.allocation.enable" : "none"}}'
curl -XPOST http://localhost:9200/_upgrade
curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_cluster/settings -d '{"transient" : {"cluster.routing.allocation.enable" : "all"}}'

This code will perform the following steps:

  • Stop indexing temporarily
  • Perform an upgrade
  • Re-enable indexing


The Elasticsearch release cycle is an important process for developers, users and administrators alike. It helps ensure that the software is up-to-date and stays compatible with other services. This guide has looked at the history of the release cycle and shown examples of how it can be used in practice.

May 20, 2022 by blog.released.info