MySQL release cycle

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MySQL is one of the world's most popular open source relational database management systems (RDBMS). While the software has been around since 1995, its release cycle is an important factor to consider when managing database operations and staying current with features and updates.

MySQL Release Cycle

MySQL’s release cycle is staggered across three different stages: development, release candidate, and finally, general availability. This staggered approach to releasing new versions of the software provides users with the opportunity to get familiarized with upcoming features, test those features in the real-world environment, and ultimately gain the benefit of a production-ready software that meets their needs.

Development Phase

The first phase in the MySQL release cycle is the development stage. During this phase, users can expect to see new features and bug fixes being proposed as well as any major changes to the database engine from the MySQL development team. This stage is primarily for developers and database administrators who want to stay on top of the latest advancements in the database system. Once the development phase is completed, the MySQL development team will move on to the release candidate phase.

Release Candidate Phase

The release candidate (RC) phase marks the beginning of the public release process. During this time, the MySQL development team will open up the software to testers in order to identify any potential issues that may arise when running in production environments. This is also a great opportunity for users to test out upcoming features and provide feedback before the release of the final version. At the end of the release candidate phase, the MySQL development team will review any feedback and make adjustments to the software before officially releasing it to the general public.

General Availability

Once the MySQL development team has addressed any issues raised during the release candidate phase, they will move forward with the general availability (GA) phase. This is the final stage in the release cycle and marks the official release of the software to the public. At this point, users can download and use the production-ready version of the software. It is important to note, however, that the GA release will still be a work in progress. This means that the MySQL development team will continue to work on fixing any remaining bugs and making improvements over time.


It is important to understand the MySQL release cycle before embarking upon any major database projects. By understanding the different phases involved in the release cycle, you can plan ahead and take advantage of the features and updates provided by the MySQL development team.

June 18, 2021 by