What is PostgreSQL release cycle? How often?

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JPostgreSQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that emphasizes SQL compliance and extensibility. This database is also known as Postgres, and it is this DBMS that relationships between data items are used as the base of organizing and accessing a database.

So, what is PostgreSQL release cycle? Well, a PostgreSQL release cycle is a schedule to which a new PostgreSQL version is released. A new major version containing new features is currently released about once a year by the PostgreSQL Global Development Group. After that, they can then switch to “Minor release cycle,” which involves releasing major version’s bug fixes as well as security fixes, if need be. This minor release cycle is usually scheduled to occur every 3 months, and this is referred to as a minor release road map. However, suppose the development group realizes a critical bug or security fix that is very crucial to wait until the scheduled date. In that case, they will choose to go outside the roadmap to make the release available. After the initial release of a major release, that version will have a lifespan of 5 years, after which it will be considered end-of-life (EOL) only after receiving one last minor release. This means that the PostgreSQL Global Development Group will no longer support that particular major version.

Which major version will be released now and when?

Well, the next Major version that has now been released is PostgreSQL 14 BETA and was released on 20th May 2021. This major version comes with many new features compared to its predecessors PostgreSQL 13 and 12. Its new and enhanced futures are explained in detail in the section below.

What is special about PostgreSQL 14 release? (features)

What makes version 14 that special? As noted above, this version is adorned with new and enhanced features we will highlight and discuss them here in more detail. So, let’s get started.

May 23, 2021 by blog.released.info