Kotlin language release cycle

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Kotlin is a modern programming language developed by the JetBrains team. It is designed to be an intuitive, open-source language that focuses on providing a great development experience. One of the key components of Kotlin is its release cycle, which sets the pace for how new features and updates are rolled out in Kotlin. In this article, we'll take a look at what the Kotlin release cycle is, how it works, and why it's important for developers.

Introduction to the Kotlin Release Cycle

Kotlin is a modern programming language developed by the JetBrains team. It is designed to be an intuitive, open-source language that focuses on providing a great development experience. One of the key components of Kotlin is its release cycle, which sets the pace for how new features and updates are rolled out in Kotlin. In this article, we’ll take a look at what the Kotlin release cycle is, how it works, and why it’s important for developers.

What is the Kotlin Release Cycle?

The Kotlin release cycle is the regular process in which new versions of the language are released. This includes not only new features and updated syntax, but also bug fixes and other performance improvements. Every version of Kotlin is identified with a code name and version number (e.g. v1.4.10), and new versions of the language are released approximately every three months.

How Does the Kotlin Release Cycle Work?

The Kotlin release cycle is managed by the JetBrains team, who maintains a roadmap of upcoming releases on their website. New versions of Kotlin are rolled out in stages: first, an alpha version is released, followed by a beta version and then a release candidate. When these versions pass the necessary testing and fulfil certain standards, they are designated as ‘stable’ or ‘production’ versions and can be used by developers. The length of time between each stage varies, but usually the testing and development process takes several months.

What is Included in a Kotlin Release?

Every new version of Kotlin includes a variety of new features, bug fixes and performance enhancements. These features may come from the core development team or from external contributors who submit their code for consideration. Some of the most commonly included features are:

• Improved language syntax • New language features • Improved compiler performance • Updated libraries and frameworks • Bug fixes and security patches

Why is the Kotlin Release Cycle Important?

The Kotlin release cycle is an essential part of the language’s development. It provides a regular rhythm for updates and keeps the language up to date with the latest developments in software engineering and programming. It also provides developers with a reliable timeline for when new features and bug fixes will become available. As a result, developers can plan their projects accordingly and take advantage of new features as soon as they come out.


The Kotlin release cycle is an important part of the language’s development. It ensures that new features and bug fixes are released on a regular basis and keeps developers up to date with the latest advancements in software engineering. By understanding the release cycle, developers can plan their projects accordingly and take full advantage of all the new features the language has to offer.

April 1, 2021 by blog.released.info